Archive for August, 2012

Yoga For Pregnancy And Birth

by on Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth offers you and your birth partner an effective and uniquely holistic guide to maximising your health and wellbeing throughout pregnancy and beyond. Use the principles of yoga to give you a deeper insight into the process of pregnancy and follow our simple exercises to create a yoga and breathing program that works uniquely for you. The free CD guides you through breathing exercises to help control labour pains and offers handy advice for postnatal recovery. Read it straight through or dip in and out, and get more information on — however you like to learn, you’ll soon have the skills to approach your labour with confidence. NOT GOT MUCH TIME? One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started. AUTHOR INSIGHTS Lots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author’s many years of experience. TEST YOURSELF Tests in the book and online to keep track of your progress. EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGE Extra online articles at to give you a richer understanding of how yoga can aid in your pregnancy and your baby’s birth. FIVE THINGS TO REMEMBER Quick refreshers to help you remember the key facts. TRY THIS Innovative exercises illustrate what you’ve learnt and how to use it.

Yoga for Health by NS RAVISHANKAR

by on Monday, August 13th, 2012

Yoga today is universally acknowledged as a natural way to sound health and overall physical and mental well-being. The book packs over 100 yogic asanas thoroughly illustrated, and backed by well-designed techniques to perform specific exercise from first step to the last with each explanation followed by the therapeutic advantages of that posture.

Yoga is accepted today as a natural way to sound inner health and overall physical and mental well-being. I have found the book easy to understand and practice. It packs over 100 yogic asanas thoroughly illustrated, and backed by well-designed techniques to perform specific exercise from first step to the last with each explanation followed by the therapeutic advantages of that posture.

Taking the Mystery Out of Yoga by Ben Carmichael

by on Saturday, August 11th, 2012

This book was created with one goal in mind: to demystify yoga for you, and provide you with a clear and simple introduction to this form of exercise. Despite considerable evidence to the contrary, the notion seems to persist that yoga is a religious following, and that to experience its many health benefits somehow obliges one to renounce their faith or, worse, run away to some commune and eat tofu in between chanting sessions. Yet that vision of yoga is by no means the overall picture. Yoga is really a very simple, accessible, and, in many countries around the world, ordinary thing to do. So this book will explain what yoga is (a form of exercise), what it is not (a religion), and what it can do for you (greatly increase your flexibility and dramatically improve your overall health).

The Crystal Mesa Crystal Yoga I

by on Monday, August 6th, 2012

We are all possessors of a mystical inner world where the primal powers of Heaven and Earth summon us to embrace the fullness of our potential. The experiential journey of Crystal Yoga begins with the 33 crystals of the archetypal Crystal Mesa, a functioning temple in miniature, well adapted to pathworking and ritual. Drawing from Lemurian, Atlantean and ancient Mystery School sources, as well as the Andean and Central American traditions, Crystal Yoga progresses through a series of attunements which activate the jewel in the Lotus of the spiritual heart and open all parts of the being to alignment with the soul. The Crystal Mesa can be used to balance energy and heal, to align mind and heart, to clarify intent, deepen discernment, and integrate various auric light bodies and chakras, thereby preparing the human vessel for ascension. It is a powerful conduit of mystical experience and arcane wisdom, of which it is a sacred storehouse; by deepening meditation, it works to open its user to the domains of the various crystals and minerals with their rich teachings and healing capacities.

Aurasa Yoga One by Peter Goulart

by on Saturday, August 4th, 2012

Aurasa Yoga One is a guided exploration of yoga. When coupled with the technological advances found in the Kindle, Aurasa Yoga One becomes a completely self-contained yoga class that allows you to take your yoga with you and practice at your convenience – whether on the road or in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Aurasa Yoga One has been carefully crafted to assist you in developing your own personal expression of yoga. A self-directed practice helps you to realize an improved level of independence and convenience in your study and practice of yoga. Your personal practice allows you the luxury of tailoring your practice to accommodate your emotional and physical state, and to meet the changing needs of your personal schedule. More importantly, perhaps, the study and practice of Aurasa Yoga One will help you to define, create and establish a regular yoga practice that truly becomes your own. Ultimately, you’ll find that your home practice constitutes the very foundation for realizing the true benefits of yoga.